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How To Get The Shiny Legendary Beasts and. Archivos .pkm legales ( Guarderia. Pkm bei OTTO
(Update March 13, 2011)GOOD NEWS!! I tested the pokemons in my POKEMON WHITE game and they worked!! I successfuly transfered them using the RELOCATOR and
In this section, you can find detailed information about Mystery Gifts distributed to English language Generation IV games as well as their Wonder Card and gift files
How to trigger the Celebi/Suicune/Entei.
Hola user de you tube os presento una guarderia que puede hacer todo lo que dice en el video Esta relacionado con el juego de pokemon blanco y negro Os
I'm trying to get Zorua.. But it's freaking impossible for me to trigger the event. :/ Anyone can help me? I've been using Pokesav for 2 days but still to no avail.
pokesav game spot shiny beasts pkm
How To Get The Shiny Legendary Beasts and.
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Downloads: Gamestop Shiny Raikou, Entei, Suicune, & Celebi: GAMESTP 2011.rar. Use PKMDS PC to Party Tool to convert box (136 bytes) and party (236-byte) .pkm
If you have never connected to Kyohack's GTS before, then please read these instructions for connecting. Feel free to encourage future development, by donating:

pokesav game spot shiny beasts pkm
Pkm bei OTTOKostenlose Online Games
Hightech vom feinsten - günstig bei OTTO!
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